This car is a hybrid which operates on compressed air alone under 35 mph, and uses gasoline to compress more air above 35 mph.
The company claims their air car is “the world�s cleanest car” with “half the CO2 per mile as�a Toyota Prius” at speeds over 35 mph.� However, both of these claims are based on just the gasoline emissions and ignore the emissions associated with compressing the air in the first place.
Over those 848 miles, it’s also accountable for the 22 kWh of energy required replacing the compressed air.�So how much CO2 is associated with that energy?� Well, of course�it depends where you get it from.
According to the EPA, the average CO2 emissions from power production in the US are 1.363 lbs/kWh. So on average, you’re creating 30 lbs of CO2 emissions over those 848 miles, or a further 0.035 lbs/mile for a total of 0.176 lbs/mile of CO2.� This is almost half the CO2 emissions associated with a Toyota Prius.
If the compressed air is powered by a more environmentally friendly energy source, it will produce even lower emissions.� For example, Pacific Gas & Electric (PG&E)�in California produces 0.52 lbs CO2 per kWh, which would bring the ZPM down to 0.155 lbs/mile of CO2.